Accessing Lesson Grades and Analytics

Once students have run a CALI Lesson through a LessonLink, faculty can access student grades and detailed lesson analytics. Here’s how:

  • At, from your CALI Dashboard select LessonLink.
  • From the LessonLinks homepage, find the course and the lesson within the course, and select either View Grades or Analytics, depending on what you want to do.
    • From the LessonLink Administration page for a particular course, select View Grades.


The Grades option shows every time a student runs a lesson and gives separate grades for each individual run. Grades include:

  • Student Name
  • Lesson Date (date of that lesson run)
  • Saved Grade (the percentage of how many questions a student got correct out of the total number answered)
  • Number of questions each student Answered
  • Number of questions each student got Correct
  • Total number of questions in the lesson

Tip: The number of questions in a CALI Lesson may slightly vary from student-to-student or from run-to-run. This is because many CALI Lessons contain “branches” that depend on how a student answers a question. For example, if you get a question wrong, it might take you to a follow-up question that doesn’t appear if you were to get the initial question right.

Faculty can refer to the lesson in CALI Author to determine how many questions and branches are in a lesson. See the Other Features section of this guide for tools that can help. For publicly-available lessons, faculty can also access a text-only version on the lesson’s landing page on the CALI website—select Faculty View in the Teaching Guide section—which includes a Question index with scoring information and page-type interactions.


Tip: The Analytics option takes into account a student’s first attempt at a question, regardless of how many times the student ran the lesson.

Example: A lesson has 20 questions. The student runs the lesson once and answers the first 11 questions, then exits the lesson. The student then re-renters the lesson and answers all 20 questions (including the first 11 questions again). The analytics will take into account the student’s scores for questions 1-11 from the first run, and the scores for questions 12-20 from the second run.

Lesson Analytics include:

Student Performance
  • Name of the student
  • Score (percentage of how many questions a student got correct out of the total number answered)
  • Number of questions each student got Right
  • Number of questions each student got Wrong
  • Total number of questions eachstudent answered
  • Run Date
Page/Question Performance
  • Page Question Name
  • Score (percentage of students who got each question right)
  • Number of students who got each question Right
  • Number of students who got each question Wrong
  • Total number of students who answered each question
  • Page Type for each question
  • Check the box for Include response breakdown to view how many students selected each answer choice for a particular question.
  • After checking the Include response breakdown box, a new option to Lists students for each response will appear. Check that box to see how each student answered each question.



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CALI Author How-To Guide by The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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